Trout and salmon grain free weight control dog food
Trout and salmon grain free weight control dog food
Trout and salmon grain free weight control dog food

Trout and salmon grain free weight control dog food

(Inc. 20% VAT)
(3 Reviews)

Grain free light dog food ideal for overweight dogs. With 50% UK sourced low fat trout and salmon, with sweet potato and natural prebiotics for dogs.

This is a high protein low-fat natural and grain free fish dog food, that contains human grade high quality UK trout and salmon plus other wonderful and natural ingredients all sourced in the UK. Many of our customers buy this recipe because they want a weight loss dog food and others want it just for weight management. It is also ideal for dogs with frequent digestive upsets as this dog food is also easy on the stomach because it contains prebiotics, it is grain free, chicken free and contains no other ingredients likely to cause issues.  What is extra special, is that as well as being formulated for adult dogs, it is also ideal for senior dogs, as it includes natural joint-care ingredients.  This means you dont need to worry about when, how or what to feed your dog when they begin to transition into old age, you can simply continue with this recipe!

Download ingredients and nutritional information (PDF)


Trout and salmon
All our trout and salmon come from responsible and sustainable sources from within the UK. This makes our fish naturally high in Omega oils. Trout in particular, helps to balance out the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio, which can help contribute to reduction of heart, skin and eye issues, anxiety, inflammation and a general decrease in risk factors for many other diseases. It is also low in mercury! Always remember that dogs cannot make their own so they must get these essential fatty acids from within their diet. Trout and salmon also contain an array of B vitamins needed for energy production, controlling inflammation, brain health and much more. They also contain good amounts of potassium (more than bananas), which is good for kidney disorders, blood pressure, anxiety and more.  They also contain good amounts of phosphorus and selenium.

Sweet potato
Sweet potato contains a good amount of fibre and they are also easy to digest, releasing slow amounts of energy. This sweet potato based dog food helps prevent vitamin A deficiency because they contain lots of beta-carotene which is perfect for eye health. They also contain vitamin E and C, good for skin and hair health. Vitamin C is critical for a proper functioning immune system. The fibre in sweet potatoes promote a well functioning digestive tract with solid stool formation.  They also contain magnesium good for anxiety.

We have included asparagus because it contains a lot of health benefits.  For example, it has vitamin K which helps to prevent blood clotting plus vitamin A and C which all help to improve bone and heart health.  Asparagus is also a valuable prebiotic which will feed your dog’s good gut bacteria helping to avoid upset stomachs and produce regular well-formed stools. They are also good for the immune system!

Glucosamine and chondroitin
As mentioned earlier, this recipe is also perfect for older dogs as it contains the most common natural joint supplements for joint-care called glucosamine and chondroitin.  Many people look for dog food with glucosamine in it and also chondroitin, as these are naturally effective in not just helping joints but also for the treatment of arthritis.

As well as asparagus, this recipe also includes extra natural prebiotics that come from other plants such as chicory.  They are called MOS and FOS. They are used as a food source for the good bacteria Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.  They will in turn help your dog’s gut health and improve immunity.

Reviews (3)
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3 Reviews:

Trying out this food
18 October 2024  | 

My dog likes it but we are still in the early stage mixing it with his old food

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Thanks Denise. Please do let us know how you get on. And we are alawys here to help and advise if you have any questions.

A great find
14 September 2023  | 

I was looking for a fish-based low-fat food suitable for both my younger and older labs when I came across Nutrix. I'm currently transitioning both onto this and seeing no issues (which is unusual for the older one, who's quite sensitive to changes in his food). Difficult to find a food (esp fish-based) that ticks all the boxes for two dogs with different requirements, but this one does. Nice level of protein and low enough fat for both - I just give the 9-year-old a bit less in his bowl (and hope he doesn't notice!). You can tell it's excellent quality. Super service and lovely packaging too. Also like the fact it's sourced and packaged in the UK - I always try to support UK businesses first if poss.

7 of 7 people found this review helpful.
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Thanks very much for the kind review Dani. If you ever need any help or advice on feeding, please feel free to contact us any time. We are always happy to help.

With my cocker being allergic to poultry I found this trout light the best for him. His coat is so shiny and he loves the food .
05 October 2022  | 

This Trout light is really good for my boy as he’s inclined to put weight on easily .

2 of 2 people found this review helpful.
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Great to hear that Anne.

For Sensitive Digestion
Free From Corn
Free From Grain
Free From Rice
For Joint Care
For Weight Management
Low Fat
Free From Chicken
With Prebiotics